The Water Supply system in the town basically comprises of Fifteen deep borewells on the banks of Vellipilliyar temple canal. There are Ten overhead tanks with the total capacity of 18.10 lakh litres. The quantity of water supplied per day is in the range of 25.60 lakh litres. This works out to 107 LPCD. The distributions network includes a total of 3610 connections.
Existing Water Supply Levels.
Source and Type
Quality Supplied Per capita supply No. of Reservoirs No. of connections Domestic Non domestic commercial Industrials Monthly water charges Domestic Industrial Commercial Number of public Fountains Number of hand pumps |
Deep Bore well at the Bank of Vellipillaiyar temple canal
25.60 lakh lit. & 108 LPCD 10 3610 3523 40 47
50 120 180 141 – |