Containment Zone

Name of the Containment Zone : Chengalpattu                                                                                                               As On : May-2021


Total No. of Containment Zones Total No. of Householdes in containment zone Total No. of Sectors Total No. cases / person under Home Quarantaine Total Population in containment Zones
3 644 14 2 2576

Officers In-Charge :

Sl. No. Designation Name of the Officer (Thiru/Tmt) Contact No.
1  Nodal Officer R. Edwin Bright Jose 7397372826
2 Medical Officer Dr. D.Bhavani 9445359200
3  Sanitary Inspector J.Paul Davis 8072152101
4  Sanitary Inspector S.Baskaran 8248251978
5 Sanitary Inspector R.Nagarajan 9962720153
6 Sanitary Inspector R.RajaSimmhar 8610108621

Workers Deployed in Containment Zone :

Sl. No. Details Staff Deployed
1 Total No. of Sanitary Workers 20
2 Total No. of UHN/Anganwadi Staff 14
3 Total No. of Volunteers/SHG members 0

Usage of Materials in the containment Zone :

Sl. No. Particulars
1 Face Mask
2 Gloves
4 1% Hypochlorite
5 Lysole
6 Bleaching Powder
7 No. of Mass Sprayings