The Government of India have enacted a statue called ” The Right Information Act called Central Act no.22 of 2005 to provide the right to Citizens to secure information under the control of Public authorities and with a view to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.

Person who desires to obtain any information under RIGHT TO INFORMATION Act ,shall make a request in writing or through Electronic means in English or in Tamil accompanying such fee as may be prescribed to public information office. An application making request for information shall not be required to give any reason for requesting the information.

In order to implement the provisions of the above Act at Bodinayakanur Municipality the following officials have been appointed as Appellate Authority and Public Information Officer.

Name Designation Designation under
this Act
Phone E-Mail
T.Shakila Commissioner Appellate Authority 04546 280243 commr.bodi@tn.gov.in
Govindaraj B Manager Public Information
04546 280228 commr.bodi@tn.gov.in