How to Reach

To reach ATTUR


The aerial distance from Attur to Chennai is 240 km while the road distance between Attur to Chennai is 284 km.By Train it is 271 Km.

By Railway

The aerial distance from Attur to Chennai is 240 km while the road distance between Attur to Chennai is 284 km.By Train it is 271 Km. There is/are 1 direct train(s) from Attur to Chennai. These train(s) is/are Sa Chennai Exp (11064) etc. The minimum time a train takes to reach Chennai from Attur is 5h 18m.

Find Complete list of Attur Chennai Central Trains. Table contains trains between ATU and MAS with schedule, route distance and travel time.

By Road

Regular bus services are available from all important cities of Tamil Nadu