Public Health

Public Health

The Sanitary Officer is the overall in-charge of the Health Section. He looks after the prevention of Food Adulteration, conservatory work, sweeping streets, maintenance of drainage, controlling of epidemic diseases, ensuring of license to D&O trades, Birth and Death Registration, issuing certificate to birth and death registration. The Sanitary Supervisor and Sanitary Workers are assisting the Sanitary Inspector. The Sanitary Inspector is held resposible  for the segregation of garbage’s

S. No Name Designation
Thiruvalargal / Thirumathigal
1 Vacant Sanitary officer
2 M . Vadivel Sanitary Inspector
3 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
4 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
5 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
6 Vacant Sanitary Inspector
7 D. Saravanakumar Field Assistant
8 A. Damodharan Sanitary Supervisor
9 P. Annamalai Sanitary Supervisor
10 Vacant Sanitary Supervisor
11 S. Kumar Sanitary Supervisor
13 B. Vasudevan Sanitary Supervisor
15 Vacant Sanitary Supervisor
16 S. Indrapandiyan Driver
17 A. Mohan Driver
18 vacant Urban Health Nurse
19 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
20 K. Kalaivani Urban Health Nurse
21 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
22 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
23 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
24 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
25 Vacant Urban Health Nurse
26 G. Chitra Maternity Ahya
27 K. Nirmala Maternity Ahya