
Ambur has got a population of 75911 as per the Census 1991. This shows 14.94% increase over the decade of 1981. The growth of population for Ambur from 1901 to 2001 is shown below.

Population Growth

Year Population
1901 15903
1911 18204
1921 19220
1931 24217
1941 31700
1951 39992
1961 39455
1971 54011
1981 66042
1991 75911
2001 99624
2011 114608



Spread over an area of 17.97 sq.km. the town has a density of 2200 persons/sq.km. in 1961 with rapid growth of population the density rose to 3675 persons / sq.km. in 1981 and to 4200 persons / sq.km. by 1991.

Literacy Rates

The percentage of Literacy has been increasing during the decades of 1981 and 1992. The literacy rate has increased to 57.63% in the year 1991 from 54.46% in the year 1981.

Ward No. Male Female Population
1 1999 1609 3608
2 1710 1458 3168
3 1197 1102 2299
4 1167 998 2165
5 801 711 1512
6 695 611 1306
7 919 730 1649
8 861 688 1549
9 1127 996 2123
10 900 615 1515
11 966 853 1819
12 693 600 1293
13 896 814 1710
14 869 755 1624
15 931 818 1749
16 786 719 1505
17 1034 872 1906
18 887 808 1695
19 1391 1276 2667
20 608 534 1142
21 1406 1349 2755
22 1867 1650 3517
23 737 737 1339
24 691 627 1318
25 754 708 1462
26 841 726 1567
27 806 689 1495
28 939 749 1688
29 1477 1313 2790
30 869 864 1733
31 555 453 1008
32 959 805 1764
33 1024 881 1905
34 773 745 1518
35 1663 1502 3165
36 1449 1233 2682
Total 37247 32463 69710