Engineering Section

The Municipal Engineer is the over-all in-charge of Engineering Section.  Municipal Engineer is controlling the Assistant Engineer, Junior Engineer, Technical Assistant, Road Mazdoor, Electrical Superintendent, Wireman, Helper and Fitter working in the section. The Municipal Engineer looks after the maintenance, Street lights, Road laying, construction of building and drainage, Maintenance of parks, head works and municipal vehicles.  The other subordinate officers are assisting the Engineer to look after the above work.

Sl.No Name(Thiru/Tmt) Designation


Municipal Engineer
2 Solaisamy Oversear
3 S. Velmurugan Streetlight Helper
4 S. Radha Krishnan Electrician Gr-I
5 S. Rajan Electrician Gr-I
6 M. Ganesan Electrician Gr-I
7 S. Saravanan Electrician Gr-I
8 Sahabutheen Electrician Gr-II
9 S. Boominathan Fitter
10 T. Subbiah Fitter
11 S. Arumugam Tap Inspector
12 S. Baskar Tap Inspector
13 M. Sundar Rajan Filter Bed Operator
14 A. Saravanan Filter Bed Operator
15 Rambabu Electrician
16 S. Thiraviam Pump Mechanic
17 M. Esakki Rajan Meter Reader
18 M. Mahalingam OHT Cleaner
19 M. Madasamy OHT Cleaner
20 S. Esakki OHT Perator
21 B. Balasubramanian OHT Watchman
22 M. Madasamy OHT Watchman
23 M. Gopal Turncock
24 Vacant Turncock
25 Vacant Filter Bed Operator